Papers at Conferences and Congresses


Cornelia Guja, Vol.  REZUMATE, CONFERINŢA ŞTIINŢIFICĂ DE TOAMNĂ a Academiei Oamenilor de Știință din Romania (AOSR), BOOK OF ABSTRACTS, SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS, BUCURESTI, Tematica: "Tradiții și progrese în știința românească", 18-20 noiembrie 2021 PRINT ISSN 2601 – 5102, P. 14  VOLUM-DE-REZUMATE.pdf (


Cornelia GUJA, 2019, Convergence of the Individual, the Community, the Ethnicity and Multi-Ethnic Community. Anthropological Aspects. 
Convergența individului, a colectivității, a etniei și a comunității multi-etnice. Aspecte antropologice., VOLUM DE REZUMATE, CONFERINŢA NATIONALĂ ŞTIINŢIFICĂ ACADEMIA OAMENILOR DE ŞTIINŢĂ DIN ROMÂNIA, 20 - 21 septembrie 2019, Brașov, P. 66-67, PROGRAM si VOLUM DE REZUMATE – CONFERINTA BRASOV 2019


Guja Cornelia, 2017, THE IMPORTANCE OF INDIVIDUAL’S ANTHROPOLOGY FOR EDUCATION AND CIVIC EDUCATION, Academia Oamenilor de Stiință din România (AOSR), Sesiunea Științifică de Toamnă, Cercetarea științifică în sprijinul dezvoltării durabile,Timișoara , 12-14 octombrie 2017,, Programul Sesiunii Locatia Bibliotecii UPT


Guja Cornelia, 2017,  THE DREAM - Evolutive Informational Communication Form between Sleep and Wakefulness. Problems of Individual’s Anthropology, Informational and Biocosmological Anthropology,  Vol. Abstract, 24 March 2017, Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania , Medicine and Biology, P. 28,


Cornelia GUJA, 2016, PROBLEMS OF BIOCOSMOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY. SLEEP – WAKEFULNESS CYCLE WITH MAN AS A FORM OF LIFE ADAPTATION WITHIN THE CONTEXT EARTH-COSMOS, Vol. 5 no 2 / 2016 Annals Series on Biological Sciences,  Volume 5, No. 2, 2016, pp. 67-87 Online Edition ISSN 2285 – 4177, Abstract:

Guja Cornelia, (2016), Problems of Biocosmological Informational Anthropology Concerning the Study of Wakefulness-Sleep Complementarity, Vol. Abstract, 26-29 May 2016, Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania, Medicine and Biology, P. 59-60, Abstract:


Guja Cornelia, 2015, INTERFACES THEORY APPLIED IN INFORMATIONAL BIOCOSMOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, Vol. 4 no 2 / 2015 Annals Series on Biological Sciences, Volume 4, No. 2, 2015, pp. 83 -101, ISSN 2285 – 4177 Online Edition, Abstract:

Guja, Cornelia, (2015), Near-Death Experience (NDE) – Interface Between Life and Death and Between Science and Religion, Vienna International Congress on Science and/or Religion: a debate of the 21st century, Sigmund Freud University, (Vienna, 27-29 August, 2015), Abstract Book, p. 57. ISBN: 978-3-902626-49-3, Vienna, Austria.


Guja Cornelia, 2014, BIOCOSMOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARISTOTLE’S FOUR CAUSALITIES. THE METHOD OF ASTRONOMICAL CONTEXTS, Annals Series on Biological Sciences, Copyright ©2014 Academy of Romanian Scientist, Volume 3, No. 2, 2014, pp. 54 – 68, Printed in Romania. All rights reserved,


Guja, Cornelia (2013), Correlations between Human Adaptation, the Earth-Cosmos Context and Aristotle’s Four Causalities, Philosophy Study, ISSN 2159-5313, October 2013, Vol. 3, No. 10, 914-928: Abstract:
Guja Cornelia, 2013, HUMAN EVOLUTION THROUGH INFORMATIONAL ADAPTATIONS TO THE SOLAR CONTEXT. PROBLEMS OF BIOCOSMOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, Annals Series on Biological Sciences, Copyright ©2013 Academy of Romanian Scientist, Volume 2, No. 1, 2013, pp. 53 – 72, ISSN 2285-4177 Online Edition, Abstract:

Guja Cornelia, 2012, MODEL OF COSMIC CYCLICITY OF TERRESTRIAL HUMAN ACTIVITIES, Annals Series on Biological Sciences, Copyright ©2012 Academy of Romanian Scientist, Volume 1, No. 1, 2012, pp. 130 – 144, Online Edition ISSN 2285 – 4177, Abstract:
Guja Cornelia, (2012), Elements of Biocosmological Anthropology: Informational Integration by Archetypal Forms, 3rd International Seminar on Biocosmology and 1st International Witten Seminar on Philosophy and Medicine (June 30th and July 1st, 2012, Witten/Herdecke University), Germany, Book of Abstracts, pp.19: Abstract:
Guja, Cornelia, (2012), Elements of Biocosmological Anthropology. Informational Adaptation by Archetypal Forms, Slides pdf:


Guja, Cornelia, (2011), The Informational Anthropological Biocosmological Cultural Model, “ELECTRONIC JOURNAL - BIOCOSMOLOGY - NEO-ARISTOTELISM”, Vol.1, No.4, Autumn, 2011, p.407-426:  Article:

Guja Cornelia, 2011, Informational Anthropological Reflections in the European locality founded at the high altitude (1600 m), AOSR Scientifically Session of Springer 2011, Danube : Past, Present and the Future, Vol. Abstract Book, p. 26, POSTER


Guja Cornelia, 2010, Anthropological Reflections on Economy of nature. Economic Anthropology and Informational Behaviour, AOSR Scientifically Session of Springer 2010, The Man and Nature, 21-22 mai, Neptun, Edit. AOSR, Buc. p. 250-269
Guja Cornelia, 2010, The Individual’s Anthropology and Biocosmology. Prerequisites of a Common Informational Methodology, Vol. Abstract Book, The First International Seminar on Biocosmology, July 22-25, Novgorod State University after Yaroslav-the-Wise, Russia, Pag.78-79. Abstract:
Guja Cornelia, 2010, Informational Anthropology - for the Integrative Eurasian Development, Vol. Abstracts, ICCEES VIII World Congress, July 26-31, Stockholm, Sweden, Pag.120.


Guja, Cornelia, Voinea V., Baciu, Adina,Ciuhuta M., Daniela Crisan, (2008), Fractal Analysis of Palmar Electrographic Images. Medical Anthropological Perspectives, Journal of Medicine and Life, Vol.1, No. 4, October-December:


Guja, Cornelia, (2006-2007), Race Concept on Interfece Theory. Homo Geographicus, Ann. Roum. Anthropol., 43-44, P.249-260, Bucarest,


Guja, Cornelia, Baciu, Adina, 2006Aspecte privind o ,,Antropologie a apei” (Aspects on the “Anthropology of Water”), Lucrările celui de-al III-lea Congres ,,Apa- un miracol”, ediţie bilingvă, Edit. Europa Nova, Bucureşti,  pag. 531-561, ISBN: 973-8158-56-7

Guja, Cornelia, Godeanu, Marioara, 2006, Baciu, Adina, Cercetări comparative asupra unor tipuri de apă cu metoda electronografică (Comparative assessment of various types of water by electronography), Lucrările celui de-al III-lea Congres “Apa- un miracol”, ediţie bilingvă, Edit. Europa Nova, Bucureşti, pag. 638-653, ISBN: 973-8158-56-7

Guja, Cornelia, 2006Bioethical aspects in Individual’s Anthropology, Programme and Abstracts, 15 th Congress of the European Anthropological Association, Man and Environment : Trends and Challenges in Anthropology, 31 Aug. – 3 Sept., Budapesta, Ungaria, p.70,

Baciu, Adina, Guja Cornelia, Boşcaiu V., 2006The Homeostasis of the Human bioelectrical Types and Ageing Processes, Abstract Book, International Conference on Gerontology, Arad, P. 6

Guja, Cornelia, Dumitraşcu, Anda, Boşcaiu, V., Baciu, Adina, Debreţin, Mirela; Pavel, Alina, (2005), Choroid Plexus – Pineal Gland Corelations. Medical Anthropology-Computed Tomography Studies. Intracranial Physiological CalcificationActa EndocrinologicaRomanian Academy, vol.I, January-March, pag. 1-19 
Guja, Cornelia, 2005, Race as Ecological Interface. A Model of the Human Being as a Complex of Multi-Intrefaces, Book of abstracts and programme, IUAES-Inter-Congress, Pardubice, Cehia, p.25 

Guja, Cornelia, 2004, Homo International – a Way for Multiethnic Society, Mega Urbaniyation, Multi-ethnic Society, Human Rights Development, Inter- Congress IUAES Calcutta,12-15 P. 65


Guja, Cornelia, 2003,The Integration Anthropology of the Human Being in the Environment. Homointegronics, Vol. II, XV ICAES 2K3, Humankind/Nature interaction: Past, Present and Future, Florence (Italy), July 5th-12th, Abstract Book, p.740

Dumitrascu, Anda, Guja Cornelia, Debretin Mirela, Baciu Adina, Pavel Alina, 2003, Anthroplogical Aspects of Physiological Calcification in the Cerebral Mass, vol.II, XV ICAES 2K3, Humankind/Nature interaction: Past, Present and Future, Florence(Italy), July 5th-12th, Abstract Book, p.738

Boşcaiu Voicu, Guja Cornelia, 2003, Mathematical and Anthroplogical Considerations about a Longitudinal Study, vol. II, XV ICAES 2K3, Humankind/Nature interaction: Past, Present and Future, Florence(Italy), July 5th-12th, Abstract Book, pag.737

Guja Cornelia, E. Iliescu, A. Baciu, The Halo of the Human Body as Adaptative Interface, 2003, Vol. II, XV ICAES 2K3, Humankind/Nature interaction: Past, Present and Future, Florence(Italy), July 5th-12th, Abstract Book, p.739


Guja, Cornelia, 2002, Models of the Human Being: Interdisciplinary Anthropological Approach Program & Abstracts, Inter-Congress “The Human Body in Anthropological Perspectives” of IUAES September 22-27,Tokyo, Japan

POSTER : Guja, Cornelia, 2002, The Importance of Anthropological Typological Thinking for Medical Diagnosis, Program & Abstracts, Inter-Congress “The Human Body in Anthropological Perspectives” of IUAES September 22-27,Tokyo, Japan.


Lăcrămioara Mureşan, Cornelia Guja, Călin E. Dolcoş, Sorin Baiculescu, 2001, Interdependencies between parents’ and children’s radiating fields pointing out by EG technique, International Conference (IUAES) with the theme “Children and Youth people in a Changing World: A Holistic Approach”, Agrigento, June 9-16

Baiculescu Sorin, Cornelia Guja, Lăcrămioara Mureşan, Călin E. Dolcoş, 2001,Compatibility within the European Union, social frame of young people integration - evaluation by mathematical and informational methods, International Conference (IUAES) with the theme “Children and Youth people in a Changing World: A Holistic Approach”, Agrigento, June 9-16, p. 20.

Cornelia Guja, Sorin Baiculescu, Elena Iliescu, Mureşan Lăcrămioara, Cãlin E. Dolcoş, 2001, Methodology for a Psychoneuroendocrine diagnosis by electrical typology, International Society of Psihoneuroendocrinology (ISPNE) Regional Congress, Saint Petersburg, 2-5 June, p. 143.


Guja, Cornelia, Dolcoş Călin, Iliescu Elena, Panaitescu Dragoş, 2000, Complementarity between traditional medicine and modern medicine, The international Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, pag.169, iulie 24-28, , Beijing, China.

Guja, Cornelia, Panaitescu Dragoş, Dolcoş Călin, Băiculescu Sorin, 2000, Informational ecological communication by means of auras photographic documentary exhibition, The international Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, pag.262, iulie 24-28, Beijing, China.

Guja, Cornelia, Băiculescu Sorin, Dolcoş Călin, Iliescu Elena, 2000, Human individual in his interface hypostasis in the study of interpopulation differences, The international Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, pag.163, iulie 24-28Beijing, China.

Baiculescu, Sorin, Guja Cornelia, Dolcoş Călin, Panaitescu Dragoş, 2000, Multi-cultural aspects within the framework of the European Union (UE).Mathematical - anthropological model, The international Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, pag.264, iulie 24-28, Beijing, China.


Guja, Cornelia, Nica Adriana Sarah, Cazacu Manuela, 1999, EG technique in health and sickness diagnosis. A clinical anthropological analisis, IVth International Anthropological Congress of Ales Hrdlicka, "World Anthropology at the turn of Centuries", august 31- sept 4, Prague, Humpolec.

Nica, Adriana Sarah, Guja Cornelia, , Cazacu Manuela, 1999, EG technique in health and sickness diagnosis. A clinical anthropological analisis, IVth International Anthropological Congress of Ales Hrdlicka, "World Anthropology at the turn of Centuries", P. 106, august 31- Sept 4, Prague, Humpolec.

Guja, Cornelia, iliescu Elena, Dolcoş Călin, Raicu Florina, 1999Anthropology of the individual - a possible point of convergence for anthropological sciences, IV th International Anthropological Congress of Ales Hrdlicka, "World Anthropology at the turn of Centuries", Aug 31- Sep. 4, Prague, Humpolec.

Guja, Cornelia, iliescu Elena, Dolcoş Călin, Raicu Florina, 1999, Anthropology of the individual - a possible point of convergence for anthropological sciences, IV th International Anthropological Congress of Ales Hrdlicka, "World Anthropology at the turn of Centuries", pag. 57, Aug. 31- Sep. 4, Prague, Humpolec.

Guja, Cornelia, iliescu Elena, Dolcoş Călin, Raicu Florina, 1999, Human Body Aura. An electrophysiological study, IV th International Anthropological Congress of Ales Hrdlicka, "World Anthropology at the turn of Centuries", Aug. 31- sept 4, p. 56, Prague, Humpolec.

Dolcoş, E., Călin, Raicu florina, Guja Cornelia, 1999, Androgyne and biorhythmic typology in the process of sexual differentiation, IV th International Anthropological Congress of Ales Hrdlicka, "World Anthropology at the turn of Centuries", p. 37, Aug. 31- Sep. 4, Prague, Humpolec.


Guja, Cornelia, Diana Daroczi, Cristina Boanţă, 1998, The Human Being: A Biointerface between Microcosm and Macrocosm, The Fourth International Congress on Physiological Anthropology, Zagreb - Croatia, sept. 6-10

Guja, Cornelia, Cristina Boanţă, Diana Daroczi, 1998, The Research of Physiological Anthropology in Ecological Perspectives, The Fourth International Congress on Physiological Anthropology, Zagreb - Croatia Sept. 6-10

Daroczi, Diana, Cornelia Guja, Cristina Boanţă, 1998, Stress and Fatigue. Anthropological Aspects, 11th Congress of the European Anthropological Association Humans and Environment, pag. 87, Jena, Germany, 30 Aug. - 3 Sept.

Boanţă, Cristina, Cornelia Guja, Diana Daroczi, 1998, The informational adaptation by homo ratio, 11th Congress of the European Anthropological Association Humans and Environment, p. 72, Jena, Germania, 30 aug. - 3 sept.

Guja, Cornelia, şi colab., 1998, Unity of Anthropological Sciences and Anthropological Education, Vol. Abstracts:The 14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Scientes, Williamsburg, U.S.A., 26 Jul. – 3 Aug. p. XLV, 158, 411.